Published: 2024-10-27
Details about the keyboard I use, the layout I have created, and why
Tag: Computers - Ramblings
Published: 2024-08-06
Details on how to get the most utility out of your 3d printer
Tag: Ramblings - How_To - Computers - Open_Source - 3D_Printing
Published: 2024-02-20
How / why I use grocery store glass for general food storage, meal prep
Tag: Ramblings - How_To - Money
Published: 2024-02-20
How to make freezer wine and sangria
Tag: How_To - Home_Brewing
Published: 2024-02-13
How I setup my new fishtank - in a slightly frugal way
Tag: Aquariums - Ramblings
Published: 2024-01-03
Directions on how to make the best paper airplane!
Tag: How_To
Published: 2023-12-06
Details of the computer and desk that I found by the dumpster and fixed up
Tag: Computers - Ramblings
Published: 2023-11-15
Ramblings about my experiences with fishtanks
Tag: Ramblings - Aquariums
Published: 2023-08-26
Some Thoughts on What my Ideal Computing Device Would be
Tag: Computers - Ramblings
Published: 2022-02-15
Showcase of Cluster Computer
Tag: Computers - Networking
Published: 2021-11-18
Overview of App Analysis Project Created Through Dataquest
Tag: Python - Programming
Published: 2021-10-14
Showcase of the Python Program I Created to Help Manage my Time
Tag: Python - Programming
Published: 2021-06-13
Quick Explanation of How and Why I Made This Website
Tag: Programming - Ramblings - Web_Dev
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